The problem…
Every Christian carries emotional baggage.
Stuff that’s hidden below the surface.
Stuff that impacts our daily lives in negative ways.
Stuff we wish we could get rid of.
Stress is a fact of life.
Each of us handles stress in our own unique way. Sometimes, we handle it well, and sometimes, our methods cause more harm than good. We can find ourselves in situations where we ask ourselves, “Why did I react that way?”. Have you noticed that certain situations evoke strong responses from you that are hurtful to family, friends or co-workers? Sarcasm, anger, withdrawal from others, people pleasing, criticism… these are just a few of the ways we try to cope. These responses are rooted in our reactions to hurtful experiences earlier in our lives. They become automatic responses. At some point, they were useful in helping us cope with life, but eventually, they no longer work.
Because they are no longer effective, we experience emotional and even physical symptoms often leading to anxiety and depression. There comes a point in time when we need to look beneath the surface of our lives and deal with our unfinished business.
Wondering if you have some ‘Unfinished Business’?
What are Unfinished Business groups?
A Christ-centered spiritual formation journey that helps participants deepen their walk with the Lord as they address dysfunctional behaviours, ease emotional upheaval, deal with false beliefs and find healing from hurtful experiences in life and ministry. Unfinished Business groups are designed for those who are committed to personal spiritual growth and healing.
The Ministry of Unfinished Business includes teaching, scripture, prayer, and experiential exercises led by trained caregivers to help participants become more self-aware of their underlying hurts and triggers, and more settled emotionally over time. As they incorporate these practices into their daily lives they are empowered to continue on their journey toward wholeness and healing. This group provides an environment where hurting Christian ministry leaders can explore their “unfinished business” and experience healing and freedom in Christ in an environment of safety and compassion.
Topics include:
- Core longings – include our dysfunctional responses to unmet longings in 4 categories: medicating the pain, self-protection, self-provision and punishment of self and others.
- Our view of God and how that has been impacted by our family relationships during our formative years
- Trust – includes discussion blind trust, passive mistrust, aggressive mistrust and perceptive trust.
- Prayer steps toward healing – introduction to the structures of healing including the interplay of life situations, dysfunctional behaviors, emotional upheaval, lies and distortions and wounding in life
- Dealing with dysfunctional behaviours – Identifying and addressing specific behaviours by the power of the cross including steps of repentance.
- Emotions can you trust them? Recognizing our emotions and the role they play in our behaviour patterns. Learning to lament (grieve) our losses.
- False beliefs Identifying and renouncing personal false beliefs that impact us becoming grounded in the truth of our identity in Christ.
- Healing wounds through prayer and the power of the cross.
- Forgiveness
Unfinished Business Small Groups
Small groups of 3 – 6 participants meet for 14 sessions (2 – 3 hours) over a 4 to 5-month period. Each group session includes a teaching component, an experiential component and a spiritual component. They are available online and in person.
What am I committing to as a participant?
- Faithful attendance
- Active participation
- Confidentiality
Next Unfinished Business Group
- Fall 2025 – Both Men’s & Women’s Groups
Cost: $275 plus curriculum.
*there may be an additional venue cost for in-person groups when applicable
Please contact us for more information.
Group Facilitators
Cathy Gates, B.Sc.N., M.A. Strategic Leadership
Cathy brings leadership experience in both the church and a national clergy support network. She is a seasoned small group leader and workshop presenter. Cathy is the founder of Thrive Ministries, a ministry focused on supporting the spiritual vitality of Christian ministry leaders. Cathy brings a heart of compassion, transparency, and humility that creates an environment of safety and Spirit-filled grace for healing. She holds a Certificate of Formational Prayer from Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, Ohio.
Dave Dion, Pastor
Dave brings over 25 years as an ordained minister serving as a pastor and assisting within different mission organizations. He has been married for over 40 years to his wife Evelyn. They have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. In his spare time he enjoys reading and travelling. Dave has received training in formational prayer through Healing Care Ministries (USA & Canada) He understands how brokenness can affect the life and leadership of a pastor. His heart is to see pastors and Christian leaders leading from a place of wholeness and deep connection to God.
Sarah Meza, B.A., SSW – Ministry to Missionaries (Honduras)
Through experiencing failure in ministry and a loss of identity as a missionary, the Lord gracefully revealed to Sarah Meza who she is in Christ: a daughter of the King and His friend. Out of the hardships and reconstruction of this new identity, Sarah hopes to create spaces where missionaries, ministry people, and Honduran women can experience intimacy with God, experience healing in Jesus’ presence, and live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit. She has a degree in Peace & Conflict Studies, a diploma in Social Service Work, and has completed Formational Prayer I & II through Healing Care Canada. She is currently enrolled with Wilfred Laurier University to complete the Trauma Certificate program.
Formational Prayer Advisory Group
Liz Honeyford
Liz is the president of Healing Care Canada, a pastor and spiritual director with many years experience as a formational prayer caregiver.
Carolyn Schroeder
Carolyn has many years of experience as a licensed counselor in Grand Rapids Michigan. She and her late husband Chris spent several years as counselors with Shepherds Heart Ministry providing care for pastoral couples in crisis.
Unfinished Business Groups
The problem…
Every Christian carries emotional baggage.
Stuff that’s hidden below the surface.
Stuff that impacts our daily lives in negative ways.
Stuff we wish we could get rid of.
Stress is a fact of life.
Each of us handles stress in our own unique way. Sometimes, we handle it well, and sometimes, our methods cause more harm than good. We can find ourselves in situations where we ask ourselves, “Why did I react that way?”. Have you noticed that certain situations evoke strong responses from you that are hurtful to family, friends or co-workers? Sarcasm, anger, withdrawal from others, people pleasing, criticism… these are just a few of the ways we try to cope. These responses are rooted in our reactions to hurtful experiences earlier in our lives. They become automatic responses. At some point, they were useful in helping us cope with life, but eventually, they no longer work.
Wondering if you have some ‘Unfinished Business’?
What are Unfinished Business groups?
A Christ-centered spiritual formation journey that helps participants deepen their walk with the Lord as they address dysfunctional behaviours, ease emotional upheaval, deal with false beliefs and find healing from hurtful experiences in life and ministry. Unfinished Business groups are designed for those who are committed to personal spiritual growth and healing.
Topics include:
Unfinished Business Small Groups
Small groups of 3 – 6 participants meet for 14 sessions (2 – 3 hours) over a 4 to 5-month period. Each group session includes a teaching component, an experiential component and a spiritual component. They are available online and in person.
What am I committing to as a participant?
Next Unfinished Business Group
Cost: $275 plus curriculum.
*there may be an additional venue cost for in-person groups when applicable
Please contact us for more information.
Group Facilitators
Cathy Gates, B.Sc.N., M.A. Strategic Leadership
Cathy brings leadership experience in both the church and a national clergy support network. She is a seasoned small group leader and workshop presenter. Cathy is the founder of Thrive Ministries, a ministry focused on supporting the spiritual vitality of Christian ministry leaders. Cathy brings a heart of compassion, transparency, and humility that creates an environment of safety and Spirit-filled grace for healing. She holds a Certificate of Formational Prayer from Ashland Theological Seminary, Ashland, Ohio.
Dave Dion, Pastor
Dave brings over 25 years as an ordained minister serving as a pastor and assisting within different mission organizations. He has been married for over 40 years to his wife Evelyn. They have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. In his spare time he enjoys reading and travelling. Dave has received training in formational prayer through Healing Care Ministries (USA & Canada) He understands how brokenness can affect the life and leadership of a pastor. His heart is to see pastors and Christian leaders leading from a place of wholeness and deep connection to God.
Sarah Meza, B.A., SSW – Ministry to Missionaries (Honduras)
Through experiencing failure in ministry and a loss of identity as a missionary, the Lord gracefully revealed to Sarah Meza who she is in Christ: a daughter of the King and His friend. Out of the hardships and reconstruction of this new identity, Sarah hopes to create spaces where missionaries, ministry people, and Honduran women can experience intimacy with God, experience healing in Jesus’ presence, and live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit. She has a degree in Peace & Conflict Studies, a diploma in Social Service Work, and has completed Formational Prayer I & II through Healing Care Canada. She is currently enrolled with Wilfred Laurier University to complete the Trauma Certificate program.
Formational Prayer Advisory Group
Liz Honeyford
Liz is the president of Healing Care Canada, a pastor and spiritual director with many years experience as a formational prayer caregiver.
Carolyn Schroeder
Carolyn has many years of experience as a licensed counselor in Grand Rapids Michigan. She and her late husband Chris spent several years as counselors with Shepherds Heart Ministry providing care for pastoral couples in crisis.
Category: Blog, Services