Audio Resources


Audio Resources

Guided Prayers

Welcome to our audio resource page. Here you will find guided prayers to strengthen your relationship with the Lord. If you have been through an Unfinished Business group, we provide prayers you know, like the 4R’s and Safe Prayer place. 

Come back here often as new prayers and guided spiritual practices are added often.

Release. Rest. Receive. Respond.

4 Rs Prayer

by Cathy Gates | Unfinished Business Guided Prayers

4 Rs Prayer (No Music)

by Cathy Gates | Unfinished Business Guided Prayers

Safe Prayer Place

Safe Place Prayer

by Cathy Gates | Unfinished Business Guided Prayers

Safe Place Prayer (No Music)

by Cathy Gates | Unfinished Business Guided Prayers

Lectio Divinas

Lectio Divinas

by Cathy Gates | Themes from Unfinished Business & Growing Intimacy With God

Lectio Divinas (No Music)

by Cathy Gates | Themes from Unfinished Business & Growing Intimacy With God