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A safe place

for Christian ministry leaders & their families.

Thrive Ministries

The heart of Thrive Ministries is to create spaces where pastors, ministry leaders, and their families can strengthen their spiritual vitality. 

How We Care

For Pastors

& Church Leaders

We walk alongside pastors and church leaders providing encouragement and the supports you need to thrive spiritually and do life and ministry well. 


For Ministry Wives

& Spouses

We connect you to a caring community of women who fill the unique role of being married to a ministry leader.  Here you will find spiritual nourishment, encouragement, prayer, and friendship. 


For Couples

in Ministry

Couples in ministry face unique challenges. That is why we offer multiple services to come alongside of you and your spouse to strengthen your connection with God and each other. 


For Ministry Leaders

Christian Non-Profits & Charities

We understand the pressures and difficulties of running a ministry so we provide an array of groups, retreats, and customized engagements to strengthen your spiritual walk and build resilience. 

For Missionaries

& Their Families

We are aware of the unique challenges and opportunities while serving abroad, so we come alongside you so you can flourish in your life, family, rhythms, and ministry.

For The Weary

& the Weak

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…  and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Need Support?

Whether you are flourishing in your life, ministry and walk with the Lord or are experiencing challenges, we are here to walk with you. 

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