Soul Focus Retreats

Personal spiritual retreats designed specifically for pastors, ministry leaders and spouses. Join others as you cultivate a deeper walk with God, develop and practice the principles of soul care, and build an authentic community. We offer half-day retreats and a full day retreat throughout the year.

Soul Focus Morning Retreats | 2025

soul focus day retreat pastors christian ministry leaders spouses niagara region soul care missionaries ministry churchEach half-day retreat will include breakfast (in-person sessions only)*, teaching, prayer, silence and solitude for listening, personal reflection, and small group interaction.

Time:  8:30 am – noon  

Location: Niagara Christian Collegiate Campus

It’s not too early to save the date on your calendar. Next year retreats will take place on:

March 20, 2025

May 29, 2025

Cost:  $50/person (Can’t afford the cost?  We encourage you to join us and contribute what you can generously afford.) 


Soul Focus Day Retreat | February 6, 2025

soul focus day retreat pastors christian ministry leaders spouses niagara region soul care missionaries ministry churchMark your calendars! 
On February 6, 2025, we will be having our annual Soul Focus Day Retreat. See why pastors, Christian ministry leaders, and their spouses come year after year. Tickets will be sold soon, check our social media to stay posted.

soul focus day 2024 february 6 pastors christian ministry leaders spouses niagara region NCC campus retreat


Soul Focus Retreats (Custom for your leadership group)

We would be happy to work with you to design a Soul Focus retreat for your staff or leadership group. You can choose one of our suggested topics or we can build a custom retreat for you. Contact us to discuss specifics for your group and cost.

Each retreat includes teaching, spiritual practices, personal time of solitude and silence, group sharing and prayer ministry time.

Some suggested topics;

  1. Awakening to the Presence of God in Everyday Moments
  2. Come as You Are
  3. The Wall – When God Interrupts
  4. Cultivating a Spiritually Alive Walk with God
  5. Down and Out (Based on Exodus 3:7-8)
  6. Hidden Hindrances (Based on 2Kings5:1-15)
  7. Jesus, Who do You Say I Am?
  8. Finding Jesus on the Road of Life
  9. Spiritual and Emotional Health of Christian Leaders

Simple Faith Series 

Combine 2 or 3 of the following spiritual practices to create a custom retreat designed to help you draw nearer to God.

  • Simple Presence
  • Simple Gratitude
  • Simple Prayer
  • Simple Silence & Solitude
  • Simple Joy
  • Simple Scripture
  • Simple Worship

Thrive Ministries provides:

  • Session facilitation
  • Materials
  • Experientials

Requesting Group provides:

  • Venue
  • Food
  • Registration
  • Facilitator expenses (mileage*, accommodation, meals)
  • Retreat material expenses
  • Honorarium 

Want to learn more about our Soul Focus Custom Retreats? Fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly.


Brenda Drost on Unfinished Business

I grew up in church. My dad was a pastor. I have been in church my whole life. This was the single, best thing I have ever done for myself spiritually.”

Brenda Drost

Brenda loved serving in full time ministry from the beginning. She was passionate about the work God had set in front of her to do. It energized her and filled her with joy, but after a while, she noticed that passion slowly fade. During a time of extreme pressure and difficulty, Brenda recalls how her joy in serving God drained away and instead became a heavy burden.

Instead of energizing her, ministry became draining. Brenda was starting to burnout. She threw herself into the work with renewed resolve, but it just got worse. Eventually she reached a point where she just wanted to quit. 

“Here I was a pastor, counselling other women, but I felt like I was lost. I had nothing left in me to give. I didn’t know how to get back to that place (of joy). I was depleted spiritually, emotionally, and physically.”

Brenda decided to get away and have a quiet retreat for a couple of days to seek God. During that time she told God she wanted to quit, but He didn’t release her from it. So, instead she asked for someone to help her through. Two weeks later she met Cathy Gates.

“I knew right away that she was that answer to prayer that I needed, and she invited me to Unfinished Business.”

Unfinished Business is a Christ-centred, small group environment where hurting christians and ministry leaders can explore their “unfinished business” and experience healing and freedom in Christ. It usually runs over a four to five month period. 

Brenda didn’t really know what to expect, and was nervous about being vulnerable with other people, but she relays how the confidential and intimate nature of the group laid those fears to rest:

“A lot of times pastors feel like they have no one they can talk to. Thrive was a place to be broken. People who were willing to take my hand and walk me through it. It was a safe place.”

After Unfinished Business, Brenda says she feels more equipped for ministry, that her relationship with God has grown deeper, and that she was able to put a lot of her own fear and insecurities behind her. She knew she had overcome some serious issues and should a difficult season like that come again, she has the tools to deal with it. The joy is back!

“The really cool thing is that I can now turn around and help other women who need it. As I work as a pastor, I come into contact with other women in leadership who are going through the same (difficulty), and I can turn around and be that safe place for them. I have the tools to help them now.”

Unfinished Business would not have the impact it does without the prayers and financial support that so many have generously given. Thank You!

I am interested in joining an Unfinished Business Group.

There are groups solely for women and solely for men available. If you are interested in joining a group, please contact Cathy Gates. 

How can I help?

Do you want to support Unfinished Business specifically so that others can benefit from the in-depth teaching? Your gift is greatly appreciated! 

Go to, click DONATE, and write “for Unfinished Business” in the comments.

Wondering if you have some Unfinished Business?

  • Do you fear criticism?
  • Do you have a need for perfection?
  • Do you care for others easily, yet find it difficult to care for yourself?
  • Do you isolate yourself from other people?
  • Do you respond with fear to authority figures and angry people?
  • Do you find it difficult to identify and express your emotions?
  • Do you ever wonder why you reacted to a situation poorly?
  • Do you find yourself responding with sarcasm in certain situations?
  • Have you noticed that you are often critical of others?
  • Do you find yourself seeking approval and affirmation from others?
  • Do you overextend yourself?
  • Do you respond with defensiveness to criticism?
  • Have you had problems with compulsive behavior?
  • Do you have difficulty controlling your anger at times?
  • Do you find yourself using technology more when life is very stressful?
  • Do you find yourself blaming others for your mistakes or problems?
  • Do you have a sense of shame about aspects of your life past or present?
  • Do you find you have unforgiveness towards certain people who have hurt you in the past?
  • Do you have difficulty trusting?
  • Do you regularly work more than 50 hours per week?

Thrive’s Unfinished Business groups help individuals seek Jesus in their need for healing from past life and ministry experiences.